When it comes to sending gifts to loved ones for their birthday, you want it to be meaningful and personal. The perfect gift to match someone’s personality and celebrate their birth month is a gorgeous bouquet of flowers that feature the color of their birth month’s gemstone or birth flower. Here at Port Charlotte Florist, our expert floral designers can help you find or put together the perfect birthday bouquet which will surprise and delight your recipient. We can create beautiful custom arrangements for all of the birthdays you’ll be celebrating with family and friends this year.

Lovely Lavender Bouquet
A popular way to create birthday bouquets is based upon each month’s birthstone. From the red garnet of January to the turquoise that represents December, these precious stones provide the colorful inspiration for some of our favorite birthday florals.

Birthstones have been a notable aspect of our culture since ancient times. It was long believed that these gems (and others) had mystical powers, and as such, they were highly esteemed by the upper levels of society. In fact, the powerful elite and ruling class were known to amass a collection – one of each stone – so as to guarantee that they would have access to the “magic” each stone endowed. Today views are much different, but we still cherish the tradition of having a special gem associated with each birthday.

Merci Beaucoup
The birthstones of each month are as follows:
January – Garnet (deep red)
February – Amethyst (lavender purple)
March – Aquamarine (bright blue)
April – Diamond (white and crystal)
May – Emerald (green)
June – Pearl (off white)
July – Ruby (red)
August – Peridot (yellow or lime green)
September – Sapphire (deep blue)
October – Opal (whites and pastels)
November – Topaz (orange and gold)
December – Turquoise (light blue)
Another way to celebrate someone’s birth month is to fill an arrangement with that month’s corresponding flower. Typically, this will be a bloom that is at its flourishing best for the season and will be perfect for a birthday bouquet.

Birth month flowers
January – Carnation, Snowdrop
February – Violet, Primrose
March – Daffodil
April – Daisy, Sweet Pea
May – Lily of the Valley
June – Rose, Honeysuckle
July – Larkspur, Water Lily
August – Gladiolus, Poppy
September – Aster, Morning Glory
October – Marigold, Cosmos
November – Chrysanthemum
December – Narcissus, Holly
Giving the gift of fresh, quality florals is a traditional way to celebrate someone. Plus, flowers have the unique ability to put a smile on someone’s face, reduce stress, and spread warmth and joy. They truly are the perfect gift. Plus, giving a birthday bouquet is simple when you are inspired by the color of the gemstones and/ or flowers that correlate to a specific month.

Tea Time
Peruse our blogs on August birthday florals and September birthday florals for inspiration.
If you need any help in picking out a birthday bouquet or would like to custom-design one, just call the experts at Port Charlotte Florist! We will be glad to design the perfect floral arrangement for your loved one. We deliver throughout Port Charlotte, North Port, and Punta Gorda.