There are many incredible individuals in the Port Charlotte community who do the most important jobs with few accolades. In addition to performing the requirements of their job description with finesse, they also invest their time into others, show compassion, inspire and influence us, and encourage us in challenging times. In May, we have two opportunities to officially honor them and to express our gratitude for all of their dedication and commitment. National Teachers Week is May 7-13 and National Nurses Week is celebrated May 6-12. Port Charlotte Florist has seen the impact that beautiful floral arrangement can have in making someone feel appreciated, and we look forward to helping you to let your favorite teachers and nurses know just how much what they do matters!
Coincidental Fact: According to a recent census, there are approximately 3.1 million teachers in the United States, while the number of nurses is also 3.1 million! 
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams
Teachers and nurses are often unsung heroes, true leaders in the community although not well known outside of their workplace. Anytime that a teacher inspires and encourages a student to chase a goal, they change the course of a life. Every time a nurse holds a trembling hand long after her shift ends, an imprint is made on a heart that will never be erased. These professionals are involved in the real moments of life, the ones that happen when we slow down enough to care about someone else.
Although these individuals often operate behind the scenes and seek no glory, sending special gifts and floral arrangements to acknowledge their contributions is sure to make them smile. After all, everyone likes being noticed and appreciated!
The floral designers at Port Charlotte Florist look forward to partnering with you to send gorgeous floral gifts to those teachers and nurses who have impacted your life. Whether in Port Charlotte, Englewood, Punta Gorda or North Port, we’ll deliver the special gifts that will touch their heart, just like they have touched yours.